Can we see the space before renting it?   Of course; just drop us a line first.  Tours and consults are by appointment. If you scroll way down this page, you can see a few photos.  For some action shots of people using the space, check out our Instagram feed or Facebook page

Do you have to be a photographer to rent the space?   Not necessarily.  We've occasionally had events and small parties -- like bridal parties, private meetings, etc. Our open floor plan allows for all kinds of fun. 

What's included in the shooting space that we can use?  Six different built-in backgrounds for portraits, gorgeous big window light, a couple scrims, light stands and a boom arm, a Bluetooth speaker, and a few pieces of furniture for posing. 

How do you join?  Select a membership tier, and activate the monthly payment.  When you come to the studio for orientation or move-in, you will sign the contract and deposit $35 to get your keys (if applicable).  That's it!  

Can I photograph newborns there?  Yes, of course, but you must have your own business liability insurance and name us on a certificate. Prior experience is definitely recommended, and you will also need to bring your own props. 

What times are available? How does the calendar work?  We have a shared calendar, for both the studio side and the meeting room, that is completely flexible. Availability is first-come, first-served basis, with reservations available a few weeks in advance (but not months).  The two large rooms (meeting vs. shooting) are reserved independently.  Bookings limited to 4 hours consecutive to give everyone a chance at days they need (esp. Saturdays).

Can I book a completely private or "closed" shoot?  Yes, of course! The calendar will be marked as such, but it's your job to hang signage on the door alerting folks that may stumble in on something NSFW. 

What is the minimum hourly rental?   $35/hr 1 full hour minimum. 

Is there a actual contract for the 1-year membership that I can review?  Yes, you can view a blank sublease contract here.  

What if we sign a contract, but want to change membership levels during that year?  You can always move up a level if you need to.  

Do you have a MUA, hair stylist, or wardrobe stylist?  There are many MUA’s that we can refer you to. All of which are licensed.

I'm only in high school. Can I rent the studio for a shoot?  Yes, and we've had a few seniors rent it before.  If you are under 18 years of age, however, contact us first -- or have your parents request for you. 

Is there a student discount?  Unfortunately not; our studio costs are fixed.  Team up with a friend, or small group, and the cost per student goes way down!  

Can I share a key with my business partner?   Yes, but this is limited to one key, and limited to the $200 tier and does not change the benefits allotted or any other guidelines. 

Aren't you worried about helping your 'competition'?  Not at all. In the end, this has worked out to be a win-win for everyone involved.  Not only do we usually shoot different things for different clients, but there is also plenty of work to go around -- and the referrals can really help grow your business! 

Do you enjoy writing FAQ content?  Let's just say the leftover HotBox pizza I'm eating really helps in this situation. 

How do I get to the studio? We're located on the second floor of the building where The Rat Pak Venue is located. There is a red awning with the address on it.  Just follow the signs down the hall to the elevator and go up! 

Where should I park?  There is street parking downtown (limited to 2 hours on M-F until 5pm), and there is a parking garage right across the street (corner of Columbia and 2nd).

I don't see my question answered.  Feel free to contact us here or on Facebook, any time. 

(not pictured: the back room area for storage and dressing, etc.)